Column types are highlighted correctly in CREATE TABLE statements.

create table students(
  name text,
  age int,
  progress decimal(20),
  data json

CREATE VIRTUAL TABLE statements, which are unique to SQLite, is also highlighted correctly.

create virtual table fts_emails using fts5(name, email, body);

All builtin functions to most SQLite builds and most shell builtin functions are highlighted as well.


  -- all SQLite builtins functions are supported
  datetime() as created_at,
  format('%s %s', first_name, last_name) as name,
  max(age) as oldest,

  -- As well as JSON functions, including the new ->/->> syntax!
  json_extract(data, '$.email') as email,
  data ->> 'mailing_address'  as mailing_address
from students
-- and builtin table functions!
join json_each(students.assignments, '$.data')

If you include the sqlite> prompt prefix from the SQLite CLI, it will appear lighter and is not copy+pasteable! Dot commands also have special highlighting.

sqlite> .load regex0
sqlite> .header on
sqlite> .mode quote
sqlite> select count(*) from students;
