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Matryoshka (Adaptive-Length) Embeddings ​

Matryoshka embeddings are a new class of embedding models introduced in the TODO-YYY paper TODO title. They allow one to truncate excess dimensions in large vector, without sacrificing much quality.

Let's say your embedding model generate 1024-dimensional vectors. If you have 1 million of these 1024-dimensional vectors, they would take up 4.096 GB of space! You're not able to reduce the dimensions without losing a lot of quality - if you were to remove half of the dimensions 512-dimensional vectors, you could expect to also lose 50% or more of the quality of results. There are other dimensional-reduction techniques, like PCA or Product Quantization, but they typically require complicated and expensive training processes.

Matryoshka embeddings, on the other hand, can be truncated, without losing much quality. Using mxbai-embed-large-v1 model, they claim that

They are called "Matryoshka" embeddings because ... TODO

Matryoshka Embeddings with sqlite-vec ​

You can use a combination of vec_slice() and vec_normalize() on Matryoshka embeddings to truncate.

    vec_slice(title_embeddings, 0, 256)
  ) as title_embeddings_256d
from vec_articles;

vec_slice() will cut down the vector to the first 256 dimensions. Then vec_normalize() will normalize that truncated vector, which is typically a required step for Matryoshka embeddings.

Benchmarks ​

Suppported Models ​

text-embedding-3-small: 1536, 512 text-embedding-3-large: 3072, 1024, 256

text-embeddings-3-large: 3072, 1536, 1024, 512

mxbai-embed-large-v1: 1024, 512, 256, 128, 64

nomic-embed-text-v1.5: 768, 512, 256, 128, 64

# TODO new snowflake model