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sqlite-vss with Go

Go Reference


The Go bindings for sqlite-vss are still in beta and are subject to change. If you come across problems, please comment on the Go tracking issue.

Installing sqlite-vss into Go Projects

The official sqlite-vss Go bindings can be installed like so:

go get -u

You are required to provide pre-compiled static library files of sqlite-vss. You can do this by compiling sqlite-vss yourself, or from a Github Release.

Once you have a directory with the pre-compiled static library files, you

Working with Vectors in Go

If your vectors in Go are represented as a slice of floats, you can insert them into a vss0 table as a JSON string with json.Marshal:

embedding := [3]float32{0.1, 0.2, 0.3}
embeddingJson, err := json.Marshal(embedding)
if err != nil {
_, err := tx.Exec("INSERT INTO vss_demo(a) VALUES (?)", string(embeddingJson))
if err != nil {

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